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Part 2 of My written ideas (that may be forgotten) She takes the time to thoroughly smack the guy in the head with words.

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Han Sooyoung isn’t entertained with Kim Dokja in denial. “I swear to god, you are by far the most unhelpful person to exist.” Clearly unamused with what he has been saying for the past hour. “Ok, and I’m not sipping this tea in front of you.” Going as far to make a loud, dramatic sip of her tea. He swears he’s going to kill her if she does it again. A blank stare is all he receives from his friend. “Han Sooyoung, I’m telling you, that sunfish bastard doesn’t love me!” Kim Dokja cried out once more. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.Fictional_Author23 Fandoms: 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong

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